PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1993-02-01 NOTE = "INFO.TXT describes the contents of this directory." END_OBJECT END Voyager 2 PRA browse data coordinates near Uranus. The data are averaged to 48 second resolution and cover the time period 1986-01-19T00:00:00 to 1986-01-31T23:59:59. The data are stored as originally submitted to PDS. =============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBROWSE.DAT 24765 149 298 1986-01-19T00:00:00.000Z 1986-02-01T00:00:00.000Z Columns ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- year integer_2 Year since 1900 day integer_2 Day of year starting at 1 hour integer_2 hour of day starting at 0 minute integer_2 minute of hour starting at 0 second integer_2 seconds of minute starting at 0 sc_num integer_2 spacecraft number 2 = VG2, 1 = VG1 sc_mode integer_2 spacecraft mode (0-31) start integer_2 start channel number end integer_2 end channel number lhd(70) integer_2 left-hand polarization data for channel end - start which translates to 131 - 200 rhd(70) integer_2 right-hand polarization data for channel end - start which translates to 131 - 200 Catalog data which includes instrument, dataset, and data parameter descriptions are located at: /DATA/PRA/INST.CAT /DATA/PRA/BROWSE/48S/DATASET.CAT /DATA/PRA/PARM.CAT /-------------------------\ | S U M R Y | \-------------------------/ Data Files (.DAT extension) =============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMRY 312 7 84 1986-01-19T01:00:00.000Z 1986-01-31T23:59:59.000Z Columns ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- Data_ID char_40 Data ID Start float_8 Start Mode char_20 Mode ID Percent float_4 Percent Quality integer_4 Quality Contam integer_4 Contam NumGood integer_4 Num good intervals in hr (avail =============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: SUMRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::::::::::::: SUMRY.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 7 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 312 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |Start | 6.32711e+08| 6.3383e+08| 6.33271e+08| 0| |Percent | 10.6667| 234.667| 105.859| 0| |Quality | -1| -1| -1| 0| |Contam | -1| -1| -1| 0| |NumGood | 1144| 25168| 11353.4| 0| \======================================================================/ /============================================================================\ | | | | | MOST COMMON | NUMBER | | TIME | FIRST | LAST | AVERAGE | INCREMENTS | OF | | COLUMN | VALUE | VALUE | INCREMENT|---------+---------| FLAGS | | | | | | VALUE | COUNT | | |============================================================================| | Start | 6.32711e+08| 6.3383e+08| 3600|===================| 0| |----------+ | +----------| 3600| 272| | |1986/01/19 01:00:00.000|1986/01/31 23:59:59.000| 3592| 2| | |-----------------------|-----------------------| 3606| 2| | | | 3552| 1| | | | 2958| 1| | | | 4250| 1| | | | 3646| 1| | | | 3554| 1| | | | 1642| 1| | | | 5558| 1| | | | 3402| 1| | | | 3798| 1| | | | 3559| 1| | | | 3641| 1| | | | 3614| 1| | | | 3586| 1| | | | 2401| 1| | | | 4799| 1| | | | 3645| 1| | | | 3555| 1| | | | 3582| 1| | | | 3618| 1| | | | 3598| 1| | | | 3631| 1| | | | 3571| 1| | | | 3647| 1| | | | 3594| 1| | | | 3608| 1| | | | 2556| 1| | | | 4638| 1| | | | 3574| 1| | | | 3626| 1| | | | 3123| 1| | | | 4077| 1| | | | 2208| 1| | | | 4992| 1| | | | 3287| 1| | | | 3913| 1| | \============================================================================/