------------------------------------------------------------------- Cassini-Jupiter-Encounter dataset Calibrated Cassini-RPWS-HFR Jupiter fly-by data ------------------------------------------------------------------- Files : aaareadme.txt (this file) data/Jup_2000_1.flux data/Jup_2000_1.sav idl/plot_jup.pro idl/read_jup.pro idl/spdynps.pro idl/dyn.pro data/jupeph.sav cassini-jupiter-encounter.ipynb data/co_rpws_hfr_jupiter_cal_flux_20001001_20010331_v10.cdf ------------------------------------------------------------------- Jup_2000_1.flux Binary data (137.3 MB) Cassini/RPWS/HFR data from 6 months of Jupiter encounter: 2000-275 (Oct 1st) 00:00 to 2001-090 (Mar 31st) 24:00 It consists of calibrated fluxes with average galactic background substracted, then normalized to a distance of 1 AU from Jupiter. All different modes of acquisition have been taken into account in the calibration. Calibrated data have then been interpolated on a regular grid of 206 frequencies (48 log between 3.5 and 320 kHz, 158 lin between 375 and 16075 kHz with df=100 kHz) x 90 sec regular time steps. Levels are in log(Wm-2Hz-1), in the range -26. to -15. (i.e. zero values have been set to 1e-26 Wm-2Hz-1, and maximum values are limited to 1e-15 Wm-2Hz-1). Data gaps have been filled with constant values of -27, on the same regular time x frequency grid as above. The file is a stream of binary values: it consists of 174720 consecutive spectra of 206 float (real*4) values each (integrated over 90 sec, i.e. 960 spectra/day x 182 days). Endianess = little endian. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jup_2000_1.sav IDL Saveset (4.6 MB) IDL save set containing annex data. AJ LONG = Array[182] yyyyddd F FLOAT = Array[206] in kHz M STRING = Array[174720] (M)onopole, (D)ipole, (1)=hybrid mode M/D R DOUBLE = Array[174720] in Rj T DOUBLE = Array[174720] in DOY2000.0, from 275.0 to 457.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- plot_jup.pro IDL Script Multi-purpose IDL plotting tool for Jup_2000_1.flux data. Syntax is: PLOT_JUP,jd,jf,step reads and plots Jup_2000_1.flux binary file from jd to jf (DOY or DOY 2000) with step in day (integer, >=1). All parameters are optional. Program options: [return], back, doy#, step, log, ct, ps, s, end [return] = next screen back = previous screen doy# = enter doy number to go directly to that day step = change step (in days) log = toggles log/linear frequency scale ct = change color table ps = postscript plot of present screen s = plot spectrum after time interval selection with cursor end = exit program Calls read_jup.pro, spdynps.pro, dyn.pro -------------------------------------------------------------------- read_jup.pro IDL script Allows to read a selected portion of the binary file Jup_2000_1.flux and corresponding annex data from Jup_2000_1.sav Syntax is : READ_JUP, jd,hd,jf,hf,dsec,fmin,fmax, x,f,t,r,m,d,u,/noprint,/noant with jd,hd = day,hour begin with jd in DOY or DOY 2000 and hr in hour jf,hf = day,hour end fmin,fmax = spectral range in kHz dsec = time integration in seconds, by multiple of 90s (if des: c<90 -> dsec=dsec x 90 sec) Output data are x = data in log(Wm-2Hz-1) t in decimal DOY 2000 f in kHz r in Rj m,d,u = fraction of spectra of type 'M', 'D', '1' per interval dsec (0 to 1 each) A help for the command line is included in HELP_READ_JUP read_jup deals automatically with little/big endian swap depending on the platform used. -------------------------------------------------------------------- jupeph.sav IDL Saveset (5.6 MB) IDL save set containing annex Cassini's ephemeris data (Jovigraphic coordinates). IOPH FLOAT = Array[174720] Io phase (deg) [*] LAT FLOAT = Array[174720] Latitude (deg) LON FLOAT = Array[174720] West Longitude (deg) [*] MLAT FLOAT = Array[174720] Magnetic Latitude (deg) RE FLOAT = Array[174720] R (Rj) 1 Rj = 71492.0 km TE DOUBLE = Array[174720] DOY2000.0, from 275.0 to 457.0 TL FLOAT = Array[174720] Local Time (hrs) [*] increasing with time, use mod 360 for a value between 0 and 360 deg TE, RE are identical to T,R in Jup_2000_1.sav -------------------------------------------------------------------- cassini-jupiter-encounter.ipynb Jupyter Notebook Jupyter Notebook showing an example of how to load and display the dataset. The code to produce the CDF file is also provided. Requires: Python 3.5 Dependencies: spacecy, scipy, numpy, matplotplib -------------------------------------------------------------------- co_rpws_hfr_jupiter_cal_flux_20001001_20010331_v10.cdf CDF (144 MB) CDF (Common data format) file compiling data from the 3 data files of this dataset: Jup_2000_1.flux, JUP_2000_1.sav, jupeph.sav. List of variables: EPOCH CDF_TIME_TT2000 174720 FLUX CDF_REAL4 174720 x 206 FREQUENCY CDF_REAL4 206 DISTANCE CDF_REAL4 174720 IO_PHASE CDF_REAL4 174720 IO_PHASE_CUMUL CDF_REAL4 174720 LATITUDE CDF_REAL4 174720 LONGITUDE CDF_REAL4 174720 LONGITUDE_CUMUL CDF_REAL4 174720 MAG_LATITUDE CDF_REAL4 174720 LOCAL_TIME CDF_REAL4 174720 MODE CDF_CHAR 174720 This file is compliant with CDF-ISTP (International Solar-Terrestrial Program and CDF-PDS4 (NASA Planetary Data System version 4) format recommendations.